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Affichage des articles du mars, 2022

New publication "History, Landscape and Living Things in the Work of Wu Ming-yi"

New publication!   "History, Landscape and Living Things in the Work of Wu Ming-yi" in Ecocriticism and Chinese Literature: Imagined Landscapes and Real Lived Spaces , edited by Riccardo Moratto, Nicoletta Pesaro, Di-kai Chao (Routledge)     Focusing on ecocritical aspects throughout Chinese literature, particularly modern and contemporary Chinese literature, the contributors to this book examine the environmental and ecological dimensions of notions such as qing (情) and jing (境). Chinese modern and contemporary environmental writing offers a unique aesthetic perspective toward the natural world. Such a perspective is mainly ecological and allows human subjects to take a benign and nonutilitarian attitude toward nature. The contributors to this book demonstrate how Chinese literary ecology tends toward an ecological-systemic holism from which all human behaviors should be closely examined. They do so by examining a range of writers and genres, including Liu Cixin’s science fi